Malene Landgreen

Signifikant Holbæk/In Situ

The latter part of the title of Malene Landgreen’s work In situ states that this was created specifically for this location. The multi-colored painting is inspired by the locality, so that the surrounding architectural elements affect the composition of the work. The motif attaches itself to the top window of the “crooked” façade composition of the gable. The window becomes part of the ornamentation, jump-starting the significant figures and color rhythms of the motif.

The dynamic interplay between the sharply delineated forms of the work and the chosen palette invites the eye to wander around the many displacements of rectangles, triangles and semicircles, alternately gathering and expanding to greater or lesser wholes in a continuous reciprocity reminiscent of a musical sequence.

b. 1962 in Copenhagen, lives and works in Copenhagen and Berlin, Germany.